CATALOGUE » Electrohydraulics VTH+L » Electronics

VTHL offers electronic devices to optimize the use of various hydraulic devices and systems.

Our aim is to give the user the maximum advantage of our products without forcing special control techniques on them.

Our specific know-how in the field of hydraulic devices and processes is complemented with in-house hardware and software development for advanced solutions.

Thus the users may concentrate on the individual aspects of their own machines but can still be sure that both maximum performance and process security will be obtained.

Our electronics are compatible with most standard electronic communication systems and can thus be connected to various PLC or CNC controls.

In most cases, the interface (analogue, digital, field-bus) can be chosen individually.

The current 2 dominating field busses 'Profibus' and 'CAN' are strongly supported.

The devices shown are only a small part of our delivery program.

With the parts available we are able to create optimized and economic solutions by adapting hardware and software - even for small series.
